Member Benefits
Tickets at Work
The HPOA is now partnering with Tickets At Work to offer another benefit to our members. By creating an account on and entering our company code, you’ll have access to special savings on movie tickets, theme parks, hotels, tours, and even car rentals and much more! Once you become a member you’ll receive a company code to enter, if you are a member and you do not have our company code contact us so we can provide you the code. Create an account today and explore all the new savings!
HPOA Scholarships & Raffles
The HPOA every year offers our members the opportunity to submit an application to participate in our scholarship awards. Also, offering this chance to win a scholarship to our member’s children. In June, applications become available online to submit for Summer Raffles, Florida Pre-Paid Raffles, and Scholarships. We award every year over $20,000 in scholarship awards and raffles.